Mannison Press comes around again…

Hey there. I’m getting organized and you’ll be able to catch posts on the 5th and 20th of every month from here on. Belated New Year’s resolutions (I will keep!) and it won’t be hard because I’ve got plenty to say these days.

I am getting another story picked up by my friends at Mannison Press. You can check out my Publishing Page too, but this one is actually not horror but a humorous novella about . . . evil. I’ll give you more details as we get closer to reveal time, but it was a lot of fun to write.

Which leads me to a thought or two about writing. Picking genres. Everyone seems to have their fav’s and that’s great, but as I’ve discovered in my own writing, sometimes it helps to step outside your usual tracks. Horror has been good to me for ideas and really, it is part of my core when it comes to writing. I’ve written my share of fantasy, some sci-fi and even other types, but what I’ve discovered is that a little bit of horror seems to sneak its way into almost everything I write.

Having said that, I have written the above genres, but also YA and even some magical realism. And humor is another side line which shows up from time to time. I published a short story called Olde World Whiskey which is coming out this year that is all humor. It’s not the type of story I write often, but every once in a while I get in a mood and it rears its head.

The point is, if you have inclinations to write in genres outside of your usual, don’t pass up the chance to experiment and play. It makes you a more well rounded writer and if you can hit with stories across genres, it’s only a bonus for you as an author. It shows versatility and gives you more than one road to drive when you’re creating stories.

Stay cool and keep writing! You can check out Mannison Press here:
