On a Sunday Afternoon . . .

Been getting in a mix of writing and reading and listening. I do love novels, but I have a penchant for horror and especially in the short story category, so YouTube has been a great place to scratch that itch.

One of my favorite channels is Bedtime Stories. It takes on real life mysteries which have occurred over the decades and centuries and takes a shot at solving them. Or at least offering solutions.

The occurrences are creepy all on their own, but what I like about Bedtime Stories is how they try to offer rational explanations while acknowledging the possible supernatural and horror aspects of different cases.

I just finished listening to two casts on the Dyatlov Pass Incident which has been a huge mystery for well over a hundred years. And Bedtime Stories has a new interesting take on it, for those in the know.

And if you don’t know anything about it or are intrigued, check out the channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCD4-G3Aokt2sM7TYQV2HmA

I’d love to hype them some more, but they just added a new post on a mystery close to home in Villisca Iowa . . .
