Okay, this one was a proverbial whirlwind, but Bre from The Dark Sire contacted me last week, wanting to know if they could publish a short story called Newton’s Law . . . who am I to say no? 🙂
Actually it is very cool–it’s a really short piece about the investigation of a crime scene and it was really, really great it found a home! Thanks to Bre and her team at The Dark Sire!!! On my Published Page you can find the link to their site . . . though I shouldn’t make you work for it:
The lesson here is never give up on a story. I submitted this piece to them back in March, when everything COVID started to go down, and I kind of forgot about the submission and never heard back and just went my merry way. Then . . . a little over six months later; ta-da! I’d submitted it to a handful of places in that time, but I don’t believe anyone else “got it” because it’s not your usual story and as Bre told me–she kept expecting some kind of action, but it’s not that kind of story.
Which I agree :). So, my preachings this week are–write the stories. No matter the content or how off the wall a story may be, get it down on paper. Or into a file. Write the thing. Edit the crap out of it to make sure it’s the very best it can be. Run it by beta readers if you have them, but perfect it.
Send it out, and let the rejection slips stack up! Keep sending it, because I’ve seen first hand as editors/presses/panels may not “get” your story or just don’t feel it like you do. However, there’s a place for it somewhere–you keep swinging until it shows up on the desk of that perfect story reader.
You don’t give up and you keep writing.
Happy All Saints Day.