Ti-i-i-ime is (not) on my side, yes it is…(not really)


Time is one of those finite intangibles and you don’t really take notice until you’re running out of it πŸ™‚

I am learning this all too well as I juggle marketing for Project Threshold, social media, planning and advertising. And still finding time to write.

Yeah. So what’s an author to do? I am trying to find the right combination of things to organize myself and keep on track. One approach is a physical calendar. It helps some, writing down everything I need and want to do and putting it into physical form which I can see. However, as we all know, it’s not perfect. I’m striving to get this newsletter out every 24th day of the month and we can all agree I am not doing well at it.

I’ll try harder πŸ™‚

IT really is hard balancing a full time job, family and writing and managing the business side of writing. I’m not earning enough to support the writing, which is part of the game right now, but the bigger issue is finding the time to do everything I feel I ‘need’ to do and still make downtime for myself to read, watch movies and hang out with friends and family (not in that order πŸ˜‰ ).

So, forgive me while I sort this out but we’ll get there.

As to organization techniques, I am not the best at it, but in addition to the calendar, I use my email to keep track of important things like submission deadlines, advertising opportunities and keeping tabs with my presses like RedCape and Mannison, to name a couple. I also rely on the dreaded sticky-notes and try to keep the clutter to a minimum. . .

Concerning writing, I was talking to one of my Twitter pals and she commented on how, when writing, as she finishes a story (and sometimes while in the middle of one) she gets more ideas. I’ve encountered the same.

IT really is true that writing begets writing. It’s like you get into a zone or a mindset and once the ideas come, getting them on the page frees up space in your head for more. I believe in it. So, while I roll my eyes at the notion of having to write every day, I do believe you have to write regularly and often. You have to keep the writing muscles exercising and the more you do it, the stronger you get.

I just choose to take breaks to give my writing muscles a rest.

AND, the real golden rule of writing is: if you find a schedule, program or process that works for you, then do it and to hell with all the writing “laws” and standard practices people fill your head with. Even mine πŸ˜‰

If you find something that works and teases the stories out of your head, then that’s your golden rule. Don’t worry other people.

Alright, I’m back to submitting a couple of stories and trying to decide if I’m going to descend into the world of Comic/Arts Cons for peddling my books.

Catch you soon πŸ˜‰
