
Hi all,

It’s February and I know there’s a big let down after the holidays. Things quiet, there’s not a lot to look forward too and for many of us it’s winter. Yeah.

For me, it’s writing time. It’s the winter months in Iowa when I kick into gear. I know why, I believe, but it’s my most prolific time of year.

I’ve got a new short story coming out in print at the end of the week. Ironic because Zombunny is coming out on Valentine’s Day but it’s hardly a romantic story…well if you don’t count Penny’s love for her stuffed rabbit 🙂 I’ll give more details as I get them and am allowed to share.

Check out Tiny Terrors from Graveside Press:


I’m also finishing up the 3rd book to my YA science fiction story…which I don’t have a name for the trilogy yet. The first is Refuge and the 2nd is Earth Bound. The 3rd has a working title but no definite yet. We’ll see. What’s it about? Actually, it’s my take on on the Frankenstein motif, if in an odd way.

So, segue into literature. I’ve read Frankenstein. I avoided it until college–I grew up watching horror movies and the dumb, lumbering, mindless brute didn’t appeal much to me. Then in college I read it for a Lit class and it blew me away. NOT at all like the movies.

The story is clever and embedded with lots of thought on life, death and our role as creators. An amazing book and if you haven’t read it, give it a shot.

That’s why I love reading as much as writing. I create stories to try to give other readers a few hours of time away from the world, and if I’ve done my job well, my stories will give you things to ponder and chew over.

You be the judge.

The next infusion of Project Threshold is formatting as I type and you read. I’ll give you a heads up on that too.

Thanks for stopping by and see you at a horror con or such. I’m starting to attend those on occasion and they’re kind of fun.


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