The crazy season, the descent into winter, past the festival of Samhain . . .geimhreadh according to Old Irish. Also the insanity leading up to the winter holidays!
Yeah, it’s not a productive time for me to an extent. Last year was an anomaly thanks to a press called the Dread Machine. They offered to publish a story of mine, but then gave me a much needed push to entertain a serial . . . and I spent much of last October, November, December and January knocking out several storeis.
This year, I’m not so inspired. I did just finish a story and also a novel, which are both heading to the editing process before submitting. I’m taking a break however before jumping in.
Most writers and authors will tell you the same: after you finish a story, large or small, you have to walk a way for a time and let it breathe. Get away from it, ignore it, and do anything else. Then come back to it with fresh eyes and try to look at it as a reader to rework, refine and polish.
It’s good advice I gleaned from my teachers and mentors.
In the meantime, I’ll do a little self plugging. Mannison Press sent me some promos and I’ll throw them up here! Dave E Lish Presents: The Beginner’s Guide To Evil is out and about. Nothing more than a parody of self-help books and a platform to make fun of everything from religion to history to humanity in all of its foibles, It’s a light read and nothing more than humor and nonsense!

This smorgasbord also includes Boiling Shadow, written by my friend, Tim Mendees, so there all kinds of goodies to peruse. Check them all out!
Maybe you can sneak in some relaxing reading during the chaos.
In the meantime, enjoy the time of the year as best you can, keep the chaos to a minimum and relax. You’ve earned it.
Me too.
Merry Christmas, but Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Winter Solstice and whatever else you choose to celebrate! Above all, celebrate with friends family and pets 🙂