Hi all and Happy Fathers day to one and all. Hope you’re enjoying the day.
As for me, it’s been a busy spring. I’m collecting more publishing credits and some of the stories I’ve had picked up are coming out.
First, my story, Serenade is out in Scare Street’s Night Terrors Volume 14!
I’m very appreciative that the people there liked my work!
Also, I got my first fantasy piece picked up by a press called Wolfsinger Publications . Their anthology is entitled, Krunchy With Ketchup and about dragons who kick butt. My story, Don’t Mess With Dragons was accepted and today they sent out cover art for us to display:

I’ll keep you posted as to when it comes out!
And I just received word last week a fifteenth story has been picked up! I can’t release the what’s and whens yet, but it is happening. I have been very lucky and am very pleased with all of the positive attention I’ve been getting from presses lately. If does seriously feel great and I never ever get tired of receiving that acceptance letter.
You can get there too. Keep writing, keep editing and keep submitting. Being an author is a perseverance game and you have to just plain ole’ be stubborn. You’re writing will get better with each passing year and eventually you’ll find your niche.
So enjoy the rest of the evening, do a little writing or reading and stay tough!